Sleep apnea is a potentially serious condition that can involve pauses in breathing or shallow breathing through the night. This inevitably deprives your brain of oxygen and signals your body to wake up repetitively during the night. You may find it easy to understand how sleep apnea can cause poor sleep, but did you know that this sleep disorder can also contribute to weight gain.
The relationship between sleep apnea and weight gain is actually a two-way street. Having sleep apnea can lead to weight gain and weight gain can lead to sleep apnea. It is not uncommon to find overweight adults who are diagnosed with sleep apnea. In fact, an estimated 70% of sleep apnea sufferers have obesity. The excess fat around the neck and narrowing of airway is the likely reason that obese adults are more at risk for obstructive sleep apnea.
But how does sleep apnea cause weight gain? We know that sleep apnea is marked by poor sleep, but we also know our bodies need sleep to function properly. When we don’t sleep well, it is common to experience the following:
- Fatigue
- Increased appetite and cravings
- Hormonal changes (insulin, leptin and ghrelin)
These are certainly not the only symptoms of a poor night’s sleep, but they are undoubtedly the ones that contribute to weight gain. If you are gaining weight without a clear reason and you suffer from loud snoring and episodes of waking up gasping for air during the night, you may have sleep apnea and need treatment. Not only will your figure improve when you treat sleep apnea, but you’ll also find a boost in your emotional health, heart health and overall well-being.
Call North Virginia Sleep Solutions today for effective sleep apnea treatment. We can restore your quality of sleep and help you look and feel your best.
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1725 Duke St, Suite GR03
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (571) 290-7977
Monday, Friday 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Tuesday - Thursday 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM